"He Lavished on us...".
Let's not miss this word Lavished...what does it mean? It means to give extravagantly. It means to shower someone with unlimited, generous, abundant gifts. It means to pour out prolifically or very wastefully. In East Tennessee we might even describe it as "slathered". (That too sounds excessive and messy). So let's just say it is an excessive outpouring of generosity. What a great word!!!!
Who does this kind of giving? In Ephesians 1:7-8 God is the wise and understanding lavish Giver.
What gift is He so generous with? The spiritual blessing of forgiveness of our sins through the blood of Jesus.
Think about it people....He didn't just forgive you....He lavished you with forgiveness. There is a big difference. The difference is God-sized!!!!!!
Great word...Great God.
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