First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

He Promised with an Oath to Give Her Whatever She Asked

In the beginning of Matthew 14, a guilt ridden Herrod is so haunted by his judgement to behead "John the Baptist"...that he claims Jesus is a "resurrected" John.

And it all started with him lusting over and coveting a young dancer girl....then he had so much pride that he felt that he could not go back on his word. So he had John put to death.

What a mess, when sin dominates our lives.  Sin just piles up when we do our own thing. In fact...sin is when we say to God...."my way, not your way."  It is easy to see in Herrod's Charlie Sheen's life.
Unless we repent....our lives are a mess.

Jesus came to save us from our sins. To free us from the bondage of sin.  He is calling for us to turn to him... he wants us to enter the peace of knowing Him....the freedom of life with Him.

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