In Acts 15 Peter is preaching to fellow believers in Jerusalem, God's strategy for the spread of the Gospel message. His audience were mostly Jews and a few Gentile converts. They had been experiencing dissension and fractions among them over various rules and regulations. It seems like at times we are all attracted to legalism, wanting everyone else to follow the rules that we have picked out. We often lose the focus of our great comission here on earth.
In this sermon, Peter seems to be getting them to focus on the spread of the "Gospel message"...the grace of the Lord that he lavishes on us so freely. He seems to be saying...unless they hear the will not spread. That is so true even today. God expects us to proclaim the Gospel to those we encounter.
We must not be ashamed of our inabilities...but we must take great comfort in His Power to give us the words we will need. Yes it is through our mouths...but we so resist proclaiming the Gospel. "That's not my gift...God just wants me to demonstrate it through my life." These statements are not true, because witnessing to others is our privilege, our responsibility as an "ambassador of the Lord Jesus."
So I challenge you speak the Gospel message boldly in the world where the Lord has put you. Tell of His mighty works in your life...not for your own glory...but for His Glory. Be His witness not only in deeds...but by word also. Those around you are desperate to hear the Gospel.
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