When I read that they chose men "Full of the Spirit" ...it makes me think that there were many others that were filled at verying degrees of the Spirit. Can we be One quarter filled with the Spirit? Can we be one half full of the Spirit? How about Three Quarters full of the Spirit? Many times and all through the bible...different men of God are described as being "full" of the Spirit. Does that mean we are like a vessel being filled with God Holy Spirit? I want to be Full...don't you?
Fill me up with yourself...O God.
In this Chapter of Acts 6 there are several other traits/gifts that are mentioned along with being filled. It almost seems that theses traits are present when someone is full of the Spirit.
Full of Wisdom (v3)
Full of Faith (v5)
Full of God's grace (v8)
Full of God's power
When God's Holy Spirit lives in us, it is God's traits...not our traits that also begin to grow within us. The more we surrender to God...the more these gifts from God are manifest in us. Sin suppresses these gifts.
Surrender to God grows these gifts...and we become more like Jesus.
Is this something we can check off a list...I am full of the Spirit?
The answer lies in our relationship to God. It was not because the men did the tasks that they were noticed for being "Full of the Spirit". Rather it was the condition of their hearts. They were "all in." They were fully yielded to God's direction in their lives. They were obedient to God's still quite voice within them. Not seeking their own will...but seeking the will of their Heavenly Father.
Lord, fill me with your Spirit. Increase my faith in you. Give me abounding love for you and my fellow man. Let this heart of stone be turned into a heart of flesh....living and yearning for you. May your will be done...not mine. Fill me...that your Holy Spirit overflows into the marketplace. That your glory may shine.
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