First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

"You Will Receive Power...You Will Be My Witnesses"

We have all different kinds of ideas when we talk about the power of the Holy Spirit.  Many think if we start living right...then suddenly we become lucky in life...good health...advancement at start behaving...the Holy Spirits power makes things better for us in life....but... while certainly these things can happen when the Holy Spirit comes into our lives....what I described wreaks of the American prosperity gospel  not the power of the Holy Spirit.

In Acts 1:8 Jesus promises "power when the Holy Spirit comes on you."

I think the power He speaks of...has to do with the rest of His sentence....Jesus says when the power comes on us...we will be his witness in 4 areas. In Jerusalem (in our own town/neighborhood) , in Judea (neighboring areas/states/countries), in Samaria (in hostile,rival,enemy territory) and to the ends of the earth (In every nook and cranny of the globe). 

I think the power of the Holy Spirit is not for our self improvement...but for spreading the Gospel.  How?
By us being witnesses, "This is how God has worked in my life"...  The Holy Spirit shows us who to speak to...who to help...He empowers our testimony and the Word... with power.

Being a our responsibility given to us by Jesus. His power will fuel the fire of the Holy Spirit.

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