First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

Receive Her in the Lord in a Way Worthy of his People

I am struck by the number of women mentioned in Paul's final chapter of Romans.  I was so struck by the numbers that I did some quick research... and found it was a time where men were dominate.  Women could not vote.  Men outnumbered women by nearly 40%... ...partly because of death in childbirth. Women could not speak in the marketplace....and were not allowed as witnesses .They also did not receive much in the way of education.  (You have probably heard most of these assumptions.)

But in the "Christian" world things were to be different.  The teaching of Jesus pushed the limits of the cultural norms.  His teaching also attracted the oppressed.  Love was the theme.  Love one another meant to love everyone.  "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."(Galatians)

So it seems that Jesus hung out with the outcast...the weak...the oppressed...and yes women.
And he urges the Roman church to treat his new found fellow servants...with love.  Don't look at them the way the culture defines them...but see each person as one of His people...children of God.

A timeless lesson for all of us.

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