First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

Busy vs. Busybody

The warning in the last of Chapter 3 of II Thessalonians is not to be "idle or disruptive."  This is so common sense....not just in any organization...but especially in God's Kingdom.

When someone is idle...not engaged in the work of the Kingdom....their focus changes.  Idleness breeds judgement and disruptive behavior.  You have seen it all through life...a person not actively involved...not busy with the work at hand...begins to criticize others.  Their time is spent in disruptive behavior instead of the work.

So what is Paul's remedy?

"... never tire of doing what is good."
If we stay busy in the work of the Kingdom...we stay on task..we stay out of judging, we stay away from disruptive behavior.  So don't be a busybody...stay busy in God's work.

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