First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

She was Bent Over and Could Not Straighten Up at All

In Luke 13:10 , Jesus does a beautiful thing...healing a long term problem of a local crippled woman. Jesus touched her and "spoke" her into health.  When she was immediately restored...she praised God.

Could there be anything better???  This should be cause for celebration!....

Most all the observers were delighted...So why is the local preacher all hacked off?  The synagogue leader is more dialed into the law...than dialed into grace.  Rules were his focus...not love and compassion for the woman.  Jesus identifies him as  a  hypocrite...which means he believes one thing and does another.

It says that the man was humiliated....which was a good thing.  It means that the truth cut down to the bone. We don't know what he did next....hopefully he repented.

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