First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

“Were Not Our Hearts Burning Within Us..."

In Luke 24, there appears one of my favorite lines in the New Testament.
“Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us..."

Two "stunned" followers of Jesus make their way to the city of Emmaus. The two men did not even recognize Jesus.  But then Jesus...the "resurrected" Jesus opened their hearts...He also opened the word about Himself to them.

So why is this one of my favorite lines?  Jesus has given us the Holy do the same thing He did for the men on the road.  The Holy Spirit opens our hearts and our minds to His word.  And when He does this....our hearts burn within us.  I have spoken to dozen of people that agree...that after an  intense session of Bible study with their causes their hearts to burn within them.  There is not many things better than to realize that Jesus isn't just a nice character in the Bible....He is the risen "Lord of Life".....and He wants to walk through life with us. That makes our hearts burn within us.

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