First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

Do Everything In Love

In the closing 16th chapter of his (I Cor) letter, Paul tucks in verse 13-14 which seems a bit out of place.  It is almost like he decides to give the Corinthians a final charge in the midst of telling them about the current missionary efforts.

He writes, "Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.  Do everything in love."
Actually Paul had gone over many of these charges earlier when he wrote the brothers and sister of Corinth about unity in Christ's church.
1.Be on your guard against sin, false prophets, divisions in the church.
2.Stand firm in the faith against temptation
3.Be strong and courageous...a repeated old testament command from the Lord...but now it is relative to persecution from the Roman Empire and secular religious views.
4.The summation of his letter for church unity...."Do everything in love"....
(remember I Cor 10:13): "for the greatest of these is love."

Great words to meditate on....and to put into practice.

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