First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

We Do Not Wage War As The World Does

In II Cor 10:4 Paul says, "The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world." So what are the weapons of this world? Manipulation, lying, robbery, cheating, violence,yelling, harsh words, embarrassment, harm, rape, slavery, extortion, bullying, oppression and torture are a few of the world's weapons.  More specifically guns, bombs, knives, swords, chemicals, money, resources, positions can also be used as weapons of evil.

Paul states that the weapons of Christians are "contrary" or are opposite of the world's weapons. It doesn't state it here but in  Ephesians talks about "the sword of the spirit which is the word of God. We are to fight with God's power and with His Word.  In fact he adds that His weapons have "divine power to demolish strongholds." (verse 5)  He goes on to say that the weapons that we use are for the destruction of anything that argues against or is opposed to the gospel  of Christ. We even take these opposing ideas & captives/hostages of the invisible spiritual war that we wage against the world.  (I get that from verse 5), "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."

Our weapon is the word of God. His word is much more powerful than physical weapons. He has the  power to crush the strongholds of all evil forces of the world. So don't fall back and rely of the weapons of this world to wage war.  It is better to use God's word and let Him crush the enemy. .

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