First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

Fix Your Thoughts on Jesus

Holy brothers and sisters, who share in the heavenly calling...

The author of Hebrews (probably Paul) is writing to his fellow Jewish Christians....but the letter should also speak to us as Christians today.  The original intent was to remind the Jews of their long awaited Messiah...Jesus...and to encourage them not to return to their "religious traditions" which had gotten them in trouble with God.

So let's read as if he were talking to us....because...God can speak to us through this passage.

What are the two bottom line points?
1. "fix your thoughts on Jesus"    this is always the point to remember...If we will get our thoughts off of ourselves and the would solve most of our problems.  Jesus is the builder of the God's house...the Church and He is Faithful !!!!

2. "do not harden your hearts"  This passage appears 3 times in just a few paragraphs.  Why is it important?  Jews would have known the history of their forefathers coming out of Egypt and the 40 years of troubles and heartache.  Even though God was taking care of them...feeding them manna...providing miracles...the Israelites were grumbling, quarreling..complaining against God.
God was so angry over this type of offense He said, "So I declared on oath in my anger,
‘They shall never enter my rest'."

Are we guilty of the same "hardening of our hearts"?  I am thinking we so quickly forget the blessing that God bestows on us ...and we complain, grumble and rail against God. Remember how America turned back to God on Sept 12, 2001?  Now where are we? It did not take us long to return to our business and abandon our "safety net."(reminds me of the Isrealites)   I think we have forgotten God as a nation.  We need to repent, humble ourselves and return to God....TODAY...." as long as it is called “Today,”  We do not need to be arrogant thinking we are bullet-proof and can repent on our timetable... Return to God TODAY!!!

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