First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

Jesus Christ, Who Gave Himself for Us

In the second chapter of Titus, Paul is teaching several goups of people in the church....old men, young men, young women, old women and slaves.

I noticed that "self-control seems to be a theme. Go back and look for yourself how many times Paul mentions this word.  So what is self-control?  Do you have self-control in your life? Are there areas of your life lacking self-control?

When we follow Jesus, we start showing greater and greater self-control.  That is that we start saying "no" to our worldly desires...and start showing self-control...discipline in our lives.  We start living life by says "yes" to what Jesus wants us to do.  Many blow this away by saying "we are under grace ...I just need to be myself".   Actually this is incorrect!!!!  We are no longer our own.  Jesus has bought us with a price.  He has shown the ultimate "self-control" by submitting to death on a cross.  Now he says we must die daily to "self."

What area of your life is out of control? Weight, prejudices, drugs, lust, pornography, pride, laziness, some bad habit?   Jesus has died so that you now have the "power" to say "no"....this is where self-control starts.

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