First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

Can Both Fresh Water and Salt Water Flow from the Same Spring?

Have you ever thought of your hearts as a "well spring"?

Many times in the old and new testament this analogy is made. But here in James 3...we are hearing about the tongue..the deal is that James is saying the tongue is a meter of the what the tongue a reflection of the heart. "Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water."  If your heart is polluted...your words will be polluted.  So examine your words...and they will give you a good indication of what your heart is like.

Next James moves into 2 kinds of wisdom....
         1. the first is earthly wisdom, (this is salty water) unspiritual, demonic...full of envy and selfish ambition, disorder and every evil practice.
        2. the second is heavenly wisdom(this is fresh water) .....pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere

Fresh water is is life-giving.  When we allow Jesus to clean our hearts...he purifies the stagnant...polluted heart and fresh life-giving words begin to flow from our inter most being.  Those words give joy and life.

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