First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

Join me in seeking God in 2019

Welcome to this blog site as we attempt to facilitate and motivate persons to read thru the New Testament this coming year of 2019.  Invite your friends, relatives and co-workers to join you on this... the most exciting of adventures...."seeking God." If you join will experience God in your life this year.

After 27 years in all kinds of discipleship small groups ... I can only report to you what I have experienced and observed in the lives of others. I can tell you with a straight face that the most exciting life experience is a life walking with God.  We try to find happiness in all the wrong places...when the Creator of the Universe is waiting for us to return to Him.  Where is He???  I have always found him in His word....the Bible....and He speaks loud and clear to me through His word.

So how do we get started? 
    1. Commit to seek meeting Him each morning this coming year.
    2. Dedicate a special "quiet spot" where you can meet with Him each day. (a corner of an empty living room, a couch in the basement, a chair in the bonus room, in your car in the driveway, on a bench in the backyard, or like me in your closet for the last 18 years)
    3. Seek Him in the morning.   Mrs. Johnson of Bible Study Fellowship explained why a person should have their quiet time in the morning, "Why would you want to tune the violin after the concert."
    4. Have a backup plan...a plan "B".   You will run into time conflicts.  (Satan wants you to fail)
If  you get up late for work....maybe you could have your quite time in your vehicle during your lunch break....or maybe instead of TV after supper...have your quite time. Just don't make these exceptions a habit!!! 

This is His desire...that we remain in His Word....that we remain in Him.  I am excited about you joining me in this journey.  Invite others to join us, too.

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