First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

Day One....

It has been wonderful hearing from so many friends...saying that they would join us in reading through the New Testament this coming year.  If you are just now is not too late to join.  In fact, as we continue through this year...people can join us at any time.  So jump in and hang on!!!!

Today's reading (Mark / chapter 1) was a pretty long chapter...especially for our first reading, but don't be discouraged...instead look at all the encouragement that God gives us in this first chapter.

a few observations for us:
verse17-20: When Jesus asked the disciples to follow Him...they reacted "at once"  and "without delay"   Is this how we obey God..."at once and without delay"???  Do we need to adjust our
verse 22, 27  When the people encountered Jesus and got a dose of his teaching they were amazed.
                I hope that you will discover God in His word.  He will shock you and amaze you when                       you personally encounter Him and His teachings.  Just wait and see!!!!!
verse 35: Jesus arose very early...and went to a place where he could be alone with God.
                I figure if this is what Jesus did...then maybe this is what I should do...get up a little
                earlier and meet with Him in His word in a place where I can quiet my heart.

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