First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

" A Man is Not Justified by Keeping the Law."

Justified...what does that mean?  Sounds sorta religious. Many times we "breeze by" words like that and don't let them sink in.

Justified means to be declared innocent or guiltless.

The bible tells us (not here)  that one day each of us will stand in front of God for the judgement of our sins.  If we have broken even one sin...we are guilty of breaking God's Law.  " A Man is Not Justified by Keeping the Law."  In other words...all are guilty under the Law because all have broken the Law. 

So how will any be "justified"  or found innocent???  By being good? No. By observing the law?  No. ..."but by faith in Christ Jesus." 

His Life...His blood was given for those who would believe in justify them before the Holy Judge.
His blood is the only thing that will satisfy our sin debt!!!!

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