First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

Who We are in Christ

Starting in 3:26 all the way through the end of chapter 4 Paul reminds the Galatians of who they are in Christ. When we read it "personally" it reminds us of who we Christ.

 Gal 3:26  We are sons of God
      3:29  We are Abraham's seed/ heirs according to the promise of God
      4: 5  We are sons with full rights
      4:6  Our Spirit cries out, "Abba" (Father)
      4:7  God has made us an heir
      4:28 We are children of the promise
      4:30 We will share in the inheritance of the Father
Sometimes it is good to remind ourselves who we are when we "clothe ourselves in Christ"...
if we belong to Christ...we are his brother....Co-heir to the Kingdom of God.

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