First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

WHY ?????????

"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"

This loud cry of Jesus has troubled me this past 24 hrs. In the whole process of being arrested, tried, mocked, flogged...etc...Jesus suffered silently, like a little lamb being taken to be slaughtered.  Not hardly a peep from Him...just to say who he was.

Because of the image, I went back to Isaiah 53 which hauntingly predicts and spells out His suffering....hundred of years before this actual happening of the death of Jesus,  "as a sheep before her shearers is silent."

But  after all that silence, Jesus let out this "loud" cry...questioning His Father. "Eloi, Eloi lama sabachthani?"  "Why have you forsaken me?

Even though we don't hear it from God here....the "cause" is disturbing,  It is"MY SIN".

MY SIN & YOUR SIN...that is why he was put to death and descended into HELL.  Now YOUR SIN does not trouble me as much...but MY SIN????   Ouch....It shames know I once heard that , sin is when we say to God, "My way...not your way!!!!"

Prayer:  Lord forgive me of MY SIN...I see some of MY WAYS and I am very very ashamed.  I love you because you gave your whole self for me...your breath...your life's blood...for me.  You loved me before I was formed in my mother's womb.  I have seen a glimpse of MY SELF and I can be so so ugly.  Save me me. You have not forsaken me.  Thank you, Lord.

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