First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

But Go and Learn What This Means

Our title today comes from Matthew 9:13. 

When Jesus tells us to "go and learn what this means"....I think we should do just that.  The "Teacher"  commands us that this is very important for our lives...learn it.  It is almost like when the professor says..."listen up...this will be on the final exam."

And what was this all important lesson for our life? "I desire mercy, not sacrifice." At this point we don't even have to lift our hand and ask Jesus....."Why?"   Because Jesus gives us His reason for this command.   "For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."

All during Jesus ministry He is emphasizing "faith"...Even though "rule-keeping" is not to be thrown out...Jesus is most concerned with the attitudes of our hearts. So as we go out into the harvest fields....we are not to be "referees of the rules"...but rather those who extend mercy (unmerited grace) to those we encounter.

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