First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

Faith as Small as a Mustard Seed

First, Jesus tells the disciples (in Matthew 17:20) that they could not drive out demons because they had so little faith...then He turns around and says if they have the faith as small as a mustard seed...they will be able to move fact nothing will be impossible for them. That doesn't seem to be alot of difference...."so little faith"  vs. "faith as small as a mustard seed."

Now a mustard seed is pretty small....which I guess means that the disciples had just about no faith at all.  Before we get to harsh on the disciples...we have to ask ourselves." how large is my faith?  Do I really trust Jesus with my life?"

I am sure when Jesus said this to them they were immediately convicted of their lack of faith in His powers through them.  I think Jesus encourages them by comparing a "workable faith" as the size of a mustard seed.
If my faith is in Jesus power and not in my own just takes a hint of faith...Jesus will do the rest....He will supply the power for ministry and for life. Trust everything.

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