First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

Teacher, We Want to see a Miraculous Sign from You.

We really live in a time when sensationalism is king.  Who has the best show?..more spectacular than the rest?  Everyone seeks to watch the most entertainment...whether in sports, news or daily living seems everyone wants to take in the really big show.

Well nothing has changed a lot.  In Jesus' day...they all clamoured around him to see his next miracle...begging for just one more. They were more interested in the miracle than the Miracle-maker.

Jesus rebuked them in Matthew 12:39  "a wicked and adulterous generation...asks for a miraculous sign."  Jesus could see right through to their hearts.  He knew they were not interested in repenting from their sins and following Him.  He also could tell that they were sight seeing...this was big entertainment for them.  They were looking for a advantage...some selfish perks.

Today...we can still be "all about us"...but Jesus is still seeking those who will humble themselves....repent from their sins....put their faith in Jesus...and follow him with all their heart.

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