First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

"...Being Fully Persuaded that God had Power to do what he had Promised"

I think we have trouble fully understanding "Faith."  It seems so vague...

What is faith?  We are quick to "rush in" with our "own power." I don't believe this is Faith even though "rushing in under my own power" seems to be a dominate model for my life.

...But God holds up for us a model of Faith in Abraham.  In Romans 4 it says that Abraham was "fully convinced."    "Fully" here means something over 100%.  So "fully convinced"of what???  Answer..."that God had the power to do what He has promised."

We have a tendency to major on the "traditions of men."  We wear ties on Sunday morning, we listen to organ music, attend church on Sundays and Wednesdays, we look down on people who don't do church like us.....but Faith has more to do with our foundational beliefs. Faith is about being fully convinced that Jesus has conquered death, saved us from our sins and we will live forever with Him. Do we truly beleive that Jesus was God's son...sent to save us from our sin?  We are just strangers and aliens on this earth and one day Jesus will raise us from the dead and we will live with Him in the "New" Heaven and Earth. We need to beleive this more than we trust the world traditions.

Let's live life like we are fully convinced of this hope in Christ.

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