First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

God Provides a Way

When we choose to be God's messengers...He provides the way.

Sometimes we think..."I know God wants me to tell this person...BUT..."

We fail to remember that God will enable us through our circumstances to deliver His message.
I think it is almost comical how some of the leaders tried to stir up trouble and even vowed not to eat until Paul was murdered.  I bet they got hungry....because it did not go according to their plan...but God's plan.

God literally sent the Roman Calvary to escort him safely to receive a fair trial before the governor.  Did you catch that...God sent in the cavalry...   He is the Almighty...He has all power at His disposal to make sure His message is delivered when He wants....and to whom He wants it delivered!!!

Let us remember that we serve a Might, All Powerful God.  He will deliver His message.  I want to be a good and faithful messenger.

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