First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

A Righteousness that is by Faith

Paul, one of the great apologist of all times preaches in a monologue format and argues the age old question, "Is God unjust?" (verse 14)

He immediately answers his own question with, "not at all."

It is easy to get caught up in the debate of "Free will vs Predestination".  But it is far better to focus on the difference between Jesus and "The Law".  The Lord is patient with us when He could be wrathful...He provides a merciful way through Jesus by Faith....Jesus is our Righteousness....and so we are not earning it through a righteousness of our own.(The Law)

So it really shows that a righteous God with a very specific, Holy set of requirements (the Law) has also set up a loophole or maybe better stated ( a perfect sacrifice in Jesus that satisfies His requirements) so that we have an opportunity thru Faith.   Awesome!!!!  All Praise to this Merciful God.

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