First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

Then we are Heirs—Heirs of God and Co-Heirs with Christ

About 18 years ago...I first read this passage... Romans 8:14-17.  It blew me away.  I had thought about being a "child of God."  ...but a "co-heir with Christ" ????   WOW !!!!!

Yes...the word "co-heir" was the word that caused a quantum leap in my faith. Co-heirs with Christ..
co-heir...that means sharing in God's estate with Christ.  I don't know why it seemed so much more than a "child of God."  But a child with full rights to the inheritance.  Co-heir.

Verse 17 ends with, " if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory."  

We will share in the Glory reserved for Christ....we are joint heirs with Him...our brother.

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