First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

Are You Listening When God Speaks?

In Luke 1 & 2 God speaks a number of times about His Son... He was sending in the flesh.
In these 5 examples the person encountering God ....listens........

In Luke 1:11 the Lord speaks through the Angel Gabriel to Zachariah.  He calms him and tells Zachariah His plan to send him a son to prepare the way for Jesus.  Afterwards, Zachariah was obedient and worshipped the Lord in song.(v.68-79)

Next in Luke 1:26, the Angel Gabriel calms her and speaks God's plan of Jesus' virgin birth to Mary. Afterward Mary was obedient and ended up worship & praising God in song. (V40-55)

In Luke 2:9, an Angel of the Lord calms the shepherds then announces the Christ. In V2:20 "The shepherds returned glorifying and praising God..."

In Luke 2:26, The Holy Spirit reveals to Simeon that he would see the Christ before he died.  Simeon praises God in words to Mary and Joseph. v2:29-32

In Luke 2:36 Anna...a woman that was known as "a prophetess" spoke about Jesus who would redeem Jerusalem. She ended in thanksgiving to God.

In all these accounts....When God speaks to the person they know that God is speaking and they understand what He is telling them.  Their response to the message of God is awe, obedience, worship and thanksgiving.  After the encounter they know who God is...and who they are.

God spoke in these encounters in Luke through angels and the Holy Spirit.  Today, God still speaks clearly through the Holy Spirit, through prayer, through the Word, through circumstances and through His Church. Always be ready and expect to hear from God.

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