First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

For This is God’s Will for You

People are always looking for God's will for their life.

I always like to point them to I Thess 5:16-18 which says,   "Rejoice always, pray continually,  give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus."

In General...God wants you to rejoice always....that is all the time...good times and bad times...when everything goes our way and when things seem stacked against us.  We need to trust God and know that circumstances don't dictate joy....knowing God... supplies us our "rejoice".

Secondly, God want us to pray continually.  That means that we are to keep an "open door" of communication with Him all day long....continually. If we are in communication with God...we are remaining in Him. If we are close to Him in prayer....our relationship will be one of love and obedience.

God wants us to also be thankful in all circumstances.  A thankful attitude in everything...speaks to the heart that God is searching for...humble and appreciative.  It is this heart attitude that  He loves in all circumstances....that's right... whether good or bad circumstances...we need to be thankful.  Don't you love this trait in others?  God loves it in us.  These are definitely three things that God has willed for us in life.

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