First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

I Myself Am a Man Under Authority

Who was this man that Jesus was so amazed with???  The Roman Centurion mentioned in the 7th chapter of Luke was an officer who understood his military authority and "chain of command." It sounds so simple...but that is at the heart of every military organization...."chain of command."  You follow orders from your superior. You do not don't do what you want to do what they command you to do. This simple understanding of authority and obedience was what so amazed Jesus.  This man beleived that Jesus was the "Son of God" and had the power of the universe at his disposal.  He needed Jesus to help him and simply ask Him to do what only the "Son of God" could do....heal his servant from his current location.
I want the great faith of the centurion...don't you?  It just means living life as if Jesus is Lord....because He really is matter if you beleive it or not!!!!

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