First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

Who Dug Down Deep and Laid the Foundation on Rock

In the middle of Luke 6, Jesus is speaking to his disciples and a large crowd.  He is teaching everyone...but especially His disciples.  He tells them to love their enemies.  He tells them not to judge others.  Basically He has some pretty hard teaching.   Jesus ends talking about obedience.  He says many that call Him Lord...just verbalize it...not really basing their life on Jesus and his teaching.... not putting His word into practice. So what does it look like to follow Jesus in obedience?  He says it is like a man that builds his house on a rock-hard solid foundation.  When we base our life on Jesus and Him alone we will have this foundation that can not be shaken.  When we live life without Jesus...we are in big a life built on shifting sand...that life is going to crash big time!!!!  I want a solid structure...a solid life...I want Jesus as my foundation.

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