First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

"An Eternal House in Heaven, Not Built With Human Hands"

In II Cor 5, our earthly bodies are described as tents.  When I started thinking about it...we think mainly about using tents as shelter on camping trips.  Kids sleep in them for one night in the back yard.  We might really rough it by going "back packing" for maybe a week. But the most extended stays in a tent is probably in the military.  My grandfather lived in one in Europe during WWI .  My dad lived in a tent in Korea during his active duty during the Korean War.

So why does Paul use a tent in his example?  One reason is that a tent is a temporary, mobile shelter.
If a person is going to live somewhere very long...they are going to erect a more permanent structure.
I think we would all agree that a tent is "temporary".

This is exactly the point that Paul is making.  Our earthly bodies are temporary. Earth is not our permanent home.  We are on temporary short-term assignment here...and then we will join Jesus in the "new" heaven and earth...and we will receive new glorious bodies like His.  So don't get too comfortable in your "temporary tent" as if you are just a visitor...God's ambassador here on earth.

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