First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

"Having Nothing, and yet Possessing Everything"

Paul is commending himself and his disciples to the church in Corinth.  He says many things...but at the end of II Cor 6, verse 10 he says it all.  Six words that just leaped off the page and grabbed my heart, "having nothing, and yet possessing everything."

Wow...those words says it all. He has been talking about viewing the world and the Kingdom differently. ... and living differently in this world because we belong to the Creator God. So he says...."possessing nothing of this world...but yet having all Kingdom privileges.(my paraphrase)  Being a poverty stricken child of this world...not enjoying the spoils of this world...but in reality being a child of "The King...feasting on His good gifts..."great endurance, purity, understanding, patience, kindness, sincere love, truthful speech,  always rejoicing. 

Paul says as a servant of God on earth...we possess "everything" God has to we shun the temporary spoils of the world like power, fame, treasure, popularity, position...all the things that tempt our flesh so intensely...but yet only provide temporary satisfaction.

And so his statement provides us God's wisdom and promise for following Him, "having nothing and yet possessing everything."

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