First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

God will Judge Those Outside the Church

We live in a time when it is politically incorrect to judge anyone or anything in public....yet we all
seem to do plenty of this in our own little cliches. It seems that the Bible gives us good direction in how we are to judge each other.  Lets look at the text.

In I Cor 5:12...It says we are not to judge those "outside the church."  God will handle don't waste your time.  "The Word of God" convicts everyone of their sins.  So when they are non-Christians....leave it to the Lord.

How about inside the church?  We are to judge our fellow brothers....those who claim to be Christians....brothers.  Paul says in I Cor 5:11 not to associate with them...if they are : sexually immoral, or greedy, or a idolater, or a slanderer, or a drunkard, or a swindler.

That might sound harsh in a time of political correctness....and in times where it would be harsh and a lack of grace.  But I would submit that if we would confront our brothers, and offer to walk with them while they battle these sins....the church would be a better place. It is much easier to ignore them...or talk behind their back then to confront them.

And if the brother openly rebels, openly engages in these sins without remorse...without repentance....we should not associate with them.  Why?  Because they are openly rebelling against the Lord. They are dangerous influence/ tempter to other Christians

Expel the wicked man among you.

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