First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

Your Bodies are Temples of the Holy Spirit

Many times we don't fully understand "grace" and use it to justify ourselves just like the people of the first century church. Paul addresses these kind of issues in the second half of most of the books of the bible that he penned.  He always starts with grace....but then finishes with a word like "therefore".  What Paul is saying is because of this amazing grace that Jesus has poured out....then we must not go back to our sinful ways.  We must flee from sin and the strangle hold that it tries to secure around our necks!!!!

In I Cor 6:19 Paul says that our human, fleshly bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit.God dwells in us when we are born again into His Spirit. We are actually the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit. It is from this point of view that he urges us in verse 20 to "honor God with our bodies."   Why????
Because ,"You are not your own; you were bought at a price."

We are stewards of these bodies.  We are just "renters! We don't own them....God owns us. Jesus bought your life with His take care of are the dwelling place of God's Spirit....His Holy Temple.

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