First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

"Jesus, Master, Have Pity on Us"

Ten lepers. Ten hopeless medical cases. Ten outcasts. Ten lives in despair.

In Luke 17: 11,  Jesus travels the countryside...between His homeland of Galilee and the bordering rival-enemy country of Samaria...He is approached by 10 desperate souls. Leprosy had made these men outcast of their friends, families and countrymen.  Their common disease leprosy is characterized by disfiguring skin sores, nerve damage, and progressive debilitation. In that time it was a death sentence and was greatly feared. Victims were avoided by forcing them into their own Leper colonies...outside, way far away from town.

Jesus heard their cries and healed them medically. Can you think of anything better than a medical miracle that restored your health and dignity? Sore, legions, crippled....but now they are healed.  You would think that all ten would thank Jesus for this lavish gift. But "thankfulness" is a barometer of the heart.  In life not many of us take time to say "Thank you." Only one of the ten men praised God and thanked Jesus.

The kicker in the story is that Jesus says to the medically healed, thankful man, “Rise and go; your faith has made you well.”  Jesus knew this man's heart.  All 10 men were healed medically, why does he speak of making this man well, again? I think Jesus is speaking spiritually well.  I have to believe that in this statement, Jesus forgave this man of his sins.

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