First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

A Straight Message About Hell

In a way this is a message straight from Hell. A warning from the rich man!!!  Will you listen?

In Luke 16:19-31, Jesus is telling the pharisees a parable about a rich man who wants to warn his family about the effect of their life on earth on their after-life...the after-life he not only has earned but is experiencing.  If we could hear His message...I bet it would be the warning, "Repent, the Kingdom of God is near."

This rich noble had lived life in luxury every day, says verse 19. And yet with all his riches....even though he knew this man to be Lazarus the poor beggar....the rich man had not help Lazarus out of his low position. He had not been a proper steward of his worldly riches.

This story about the rich man begging from Hell is a contrast of his life vs. his acquaintance, Lazarus who now rest in the bosom of Abraham in heaven.  Jesus builds on the "shrewd manager parable" in Luke 16:1- 15 which talks about using worldly wealth to help others.

It reminds me of a jailhouse testimony that says..."LISTEN....You do not want to come here.  It is pure torment. I have a unquenchable thirst...I dwell in a unquenchable fire...there is a chasm between me and God that I can't cross.  It is unbearable. This is Hell..... I wish I had life to live over...differently....LISTEN...repent, turn to God.....avoid this at all cost."

It is a compelling testimony.  But do we hear?  Are we listening?  Jesus says that they did not listen to Moses and the Prophets...and we probably won't listen to Jesus....God's son who was raised from the dead. Please LISTEN and REPENT.

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