First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26


Again in Luke 15, Jesus uses a series of parables about "lostness."  His second parable is about a "lost coin." I really don't know if this carries a lot of weight today....but as recently as my childhood, coins seemed more valuable.  Most all children were taught to value even a penny...because if you saved them over a long period of time....they really added up to worth.

I don't think many persons today value coins in the same fact there has been on going debate whether coins should even be apart of our currency system.  So from a standpoint of worth...we probably don't get the parable.....because it is about value to the owner!!!!!!

In all these "lost" stories, Jesus points out how valuable each person is to the Father.  So valuable that He leaves all the others to seek out the "lost"  coin or sheep or son (sons).  What is the point?   The Father is not interested in losing a single small coin....even a penny...which we don't consider very valuable.  But God know the value...You and I are very valuable to Him...because He loves us greatly.

Know that God seek us out when we run from Him, when we ignore Him...when we are blind and don't even acknowledge Him.  And even though we are selfish and "lost"...He is always coming for us... inviting us to return to His side. He sees our worth...and wants us where we belong.

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