First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

Run In Such A Way As To Get The Prize

I have run most of my adult life...but I have never competed in a marathon (26.2 miles).
...but my son has run in one...and he had to train his body to be able to handle the long distance.   Why do runners train for a marathon? Everyone must train to finish a marathon. There is just not much of an option....either you train....or you probably won't finish the race.

In the last paragraph of I Cor 9, Paul is speaking in a metaphore where the Christian life is a race....a marathon. To compete, he says we must beat our bodies into shape....we must train strictly...we must make our bodies our slave....we must practice until we acquire discipline.

How would we do this? We say "no" to fleshly desires.  We remain in Christ instead of allowing busyiness to rule our lives.  We pray, read the word, and put Jesus' words into action. We follow God.   As we practice and do these things over time...God graces us with His good gifts that spring from discipline....patience,  long suffering, unselfishness, pure joy.

At the end of the race my son received a medal. (that he later gave to me) 

Paul poses the question about a common award in ancient times...a crown........If runners train for a temporary much more should we compete in our Christian lives for an eternal crown? 

Are you a disciple of Christ?  (Disciple comes from the same root word as discipline.) Train hard.

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