First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

Yet For Us There Is But One God

Even though I Cor 8 is largely about food sacrificed to idols...let us instead focus on the "other idols" section of the passage in I Cor 8:4-6.

When we think of idols...we often think back to ancient times...and often think about uneducated people worshiping golden calves...or golden statues.  So this begs the question:  "Do we have idols or false gods in modern times?  I think we can answer a difinitve "YES."

Even though at first glance....what we worship may not fit the sterotype of an ancient sure meets the criteria that: we value them higher than God Himself...and we worship them and give them our full attention.  So what would be a modern American idol?  Is it fame or celebrity? Is it a political figure or political party? Is it our citizenship or our social status? Is it our wardrobes or fashion?  Is it the TV or movie screen?  Is it cars or boats?  Is it houses or  businesses? Is it family or children? Is it money? Is it education or knowledge?

Do you hold any of these higher than the Lord Jesus...our Redeemer?  Do you devote more time to one of these than the Father God our Creator?  Do you give any of these higher praise, love and devotion ...more than you do the Holy Spirit dwelling within you?   If so...several of these might be your Lord....They might be a god to you.

We know that “An idol is nothing at all in the world” and that “There is no God but one.”
These modern idols I mentioned really are no God at all...they can not save you...and they are not worthy of our praise...compared to the unsurpassed greatness of the one and only God.  He is the only one worthy of worship.

Jesus is Lord.

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