First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

I Will Send My Son, Whom I Love; Perhaps They Will Respect Him

Starting in Luke 20:9, Jesus tells a parable about a vineyard.  In the parable the vineyard owner is God.
His vineyard is life on earth. He leaves tenets (renters) to take care of His crop that He had planted in his vineyard .  They don't own this place...just renters!!!! The servants are prophets.  The Son is Jesus.

So what happens when God sends his representatives to check on His crops? God's people reject his messengers.  They finally kill His son whom he sends to save them.

Jesus prophesies His own death in this parable.  His hearers that day were furious.  They knew that Jesus was condemning them and their ancestors.  They also were offended that Jesus was implying that He was the son of God....." they knew he had spoken this parable against them."

One of the many lessons that we learn about stewardship from this parable is:  we are "renters" here on earth....not owners. Our lives are not our own.  We belong to God.

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