First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

This Cup is the New Covenant in my Blood, Which is Poured Out for You

In Luke 22:7 Jesus makes plans to celebrate the Lord's Passover during the "Feast of Unleavened Bread."

So what was the "passover" they were going to celebrate? It was the celebration of when God gave the Israelites specific instructions during their Egyptian captivity.   After the Israelites had been held captive for 430 years... the Lord "passed over" the Israelites homes where they had sprinkled blood from their sacrificial lambs on the door post of their homes. The Lord did not pass over the Egyptian homes, though.  He struck down the first born of both humans and animals. The event devastated the Egyptians and allowed the Israelites to flee their captors.

The Lord also had told Moses to have the people celebrate this event in the future so that they would remember the Lord's rescue and that they would tell their children.

Now in Luke 22, Jesus..."the Lamb of God"  celebrates by eating one last passover celebration with His disciples. This is the event that as Christians ...we now celebrate...."The Last Supper."

Why?  Because Jesus sprinkles us with His Blood and  wash us clean of our that we will not die...but live with Him forever. His blood is the only thing that will satisfy the Holy Father. 

The Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. The same one who celebrated the Lord's passover of the Israelites because they were obedient to put blood on their doorpost.

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