First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

Now You Are The Body Of Christ

Jesus saves us one at a time. And when he is a very individual decision.

But He saves us in order that we may function within His body...the Church.

In I Cor 12:27 Paul says, "Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it." He says the Church is like a body....and we are part of it.  Jesus is the Head...the brains...the one in charge.  And we are each very important to how the Church lives and breathes and functions.  When we are functioning together...we are the body of Christ.

I don't think we realize how important the "body" is to Christ.  We live out our lives individually....when we really need to be asking how we can function within the body of Christ. In fact he says,  "there should be no division in the body."  In other words....bring all your gifts to the table....but bring them ready to work together with your fellow Christians. Don't be going all individualistic.....Be part of His body...part of Christ's team.

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