First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

Since We Have These Promises

Paul starts II Cor 7 with this beautiful statement that I just can't get past.  In fact I intend to memorize this one.  It is one of those honey-dripping verses that are so tasty....better when we meditate on it and digest it a little bit at a time.

"Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God."

Since we have these promises of God....let us rid ourselves of every kind of sin out of reverence for God. All through the bible...God gives us conditional promises.  "If you do this...then I (God) will do this."  Most of these conditional promises have to do with repentance and sanctification.  "If you will stop doing this and return to me....then I (God) will bless you in this way."

We are to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and be about ridding ourselves of known sin.  This concept does not negate the grace of God....but is a necessary part of normal Christian living....constantly purifying ourselves as the Holy Spirit reveals sin in our lives.

Why do we "work" at purifying ourselves...striving for Christ-like Holiness?  The answer...Paul gives out of reverence for God.  Jesus has given all for us...our response to his love and grace is a life following His example out of reverence for Him.

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