First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

Widows Care 101

In I Timothy 5... Paul gives a pretty exhaustive list of who should care for widows.  It is like the master teacher is giving the church the class notes for Widow Care 101. On further examination we find that Paul is really instructing his followers on which widows to help...and which not to help. So lets unpack these four paragraphs.

It seems that the widows fit into four different groups:
1. Widows over 60, who have been faithful to their husband, and who are well known for their good deeds-    -these ladies are on the church's list to help-
2. Young widows who lives for pleasure-  not on church's help list...they should re-marry
3. Widows with living kids or grandkids  - their own family should provide care
4. Widows living in Christian homes-  Continue to do this to remove the burden of care from the church

Why was Paul spending so much time on the care of widows?  God wants us as Christians to care for them. God is concerned for the care of the "least of these"... like the widow and orphan.... in fact in James 1:27 it says, "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."  God wants us to serve and love others...He loves us and knows that we will receive more blessing than we are giving...when we watch after these widows.  Enroll now in Widow care's biblical.... you will be blessed beyond your service.

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