First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

Do You Want To Get Well?

"Do you want to get well?"  This is the question that Jesus asks the 38 year invalid in the 5th chapter of John.  It is the same question we must ask if we want to follow Jesus.  Do we want to be healed from our spiritual blindness, or crippling habits of sin...our being paralyzed by a life of sin?  "Do we want to get well?"  The story is about a physical invalid...but it is an analogy about our spiritual affliction...sin.

Sin separates us from God.  It is only by repentance from our sin and faith in Jesus that we are made right with God.  So Jesus asks, "Do you want to get well?"  Are you ready to believe who He is.... the Son of God???  Are you ready to leave your way...your sins behind follow Jesus?  Most of the time we are reluctant to let go of our let go of the sin that so easily cripples us...blinds us...paralyzes us.  Do you want to get well?  When we are dead to sin...we are just like the invalid.  We can't heal ourselves...we have to have help to be healed.  We have to have Jesus as our cover our restore us with the Father.

Do you want to get well?  Don't be reluctant...don't be afraid....Jesus is the only way to truly be healed.

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