First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

Exhortation...."Back Door Advice"

"Billy, remember to say thank you to Mrs. Johnson"
In my Bible...the chapter heading for Hebrews 13 is: "Concluding Exhortations".

Now these "headings" are not a part of the original text...but were later added for organizational purposes along with the chapter numbers and verse numbers.  In fact the word "exhortation"used in this heading was probably not even used until the 14th century.  Regardless....Exhortation means: "language intended to incite and encourage."  and that is exactly what chapter thirteen is doing here. It is good advice.  It is some last minute words to remind the listener of what they need to live life well.  It is the same thing parents do as their children are rushing out the door into the world... "Billy, remember to tie your shoes...and to be nice to Mary Anne...and to say thank you to Mrs. Johnson when you get out of her car." This is an exhortation. A reminder of what is right!!!!

In Hebrews let's list the Exhortations:
  • Keep on loving one another
  • Remember those in prison and those who are mistreated (those persecuted for their faith?)
  • Be faithful to your spouse
  • Don't let money rule your content with what you have
  • Model yourself after the people you know "really following Christ"
  • Be wise...don't chase worldly teachings
  • In your conversations...praise and  acknowledge God
  • Do good and to share with others
  • Submit to authority figures in your life
  • Pray
So as we exit Hebrews...we are like the kid leaving through the back door for a full day of adventure in the world.  Let us take these "exhortations" from Hebrews with us and let them remind us of "who's we are" (God's children) and how we are to live life, today. So since we are God's children...His advice to us...will provide a framework for living life well.  It is the best advice we will ever get.

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