First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

I Was Blind But Now I See

I guess we are all born "spiritual" blind.  Think about it.  We have that nasty ol sin nature from the time we come out of the womb.  The flesh blinds us to the things of God...even though something way down in our soul knows that there is a God out there.

This story of Jesus healing the blind man in John 9 is not only an incredible story of Jesus performing a physical miracle by giving a man eyesight  (who has been blind since birth)....but it also about Jesus giving us spiritual eyesight!!!!

The story is pretty long because the religious folk are so set in their sure their theology is correct.  They are so sure Jesus is not the Messiah...that they fail to consider the personal testimonies of all those involved.  Pretty sad...but that is how spiritual blindness effects us.  We fail to reconize our need of a savior. 

Thank goodness that Jesus still heals the blind...especially the spiritually... blind like me. "I Was Blind But Now I See."  ...that is my testimony...too.  Is it your testimony?  If can be your testimony.

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