First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

I Am The Good Shepherd

In the tenth chapter of John, Jesus speak to His Jewish audience about his identity.  He has told them many times in parables and illustrations. Now, Jesus desribes Himself as the Good illustration they could identify with...but somehow could not unpack the meaning... that Jesus was the long awaited Messiah...Son of God.

The verse that leaped off the page for me today was when Jesus says, "My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me."

Do we really know His voice...His sweet whisper?  Do we really follow Him?

His voice rings loud and clear through His word...most of the time His word is clear on what is right and wrong.  But how about direction...which way do I go at this crossroad,Lord?  Do we hear God's voice when He speaks though other Christians...through His Church... through circumstance...through His Holy Spirit living in us???

And when we have heard from we say...I will follow later...when it is more comfortable...or more convenient?  Do we say...Lord I will get to this mission stuff when I retire...or Lord I will tithe when the economy comes back...or Lord, I will apologize when it is a lot less dramatic.

When the disciples were first ask to "follow me"...they immediately dropped what they were follow their new Lord and Savior Jesus.  Is that not what following is about...walking with Jesus...letting Him guide and direct our lives?  I have a long way to go in this area....but I desperately want to know His voice and follow Him.  How about you?

Lord, help us to know your voice...your sweet, sweet an audible human voice.  Let us recognize your ways and your thoughts.  Help us Lord to follow you always...knowing that You will always lead us in the best way from your heavenly perspective.  Thank you, Lord for being so faithful to us...when we are not as faithful to you. We love you Lord and want to follow you.  Give us the strength to do so.

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