First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

“They Have No More Wine.”

In the second chapter of John, Jesus performs the first of His public miracles near His home town in Gallilee.

The miracle is not a real " help the less fortunate" kind of deed that you might expect to start Jesus' ministry.  Helping a wedding couple to salvage their reception after nearly running out of wine?  Is that what Jesus did?  Or was it more? The miracle did help the groom who was in a little bit of a pickle. ( note: Jesus does not rate the amount of help we need...He meets us in times of simple need and other times in moments of desperation.)

No matter how we "rate" this miracle...Jesus still receives two things when a miracles occur: "he revealed his glory; and his disciples believed in him."  A miracle is defined as  "A surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is considered to be divine."  In other words...when we encounter God in an event where earthly explanations just can't explain the occurrence.....doesn't our heart "burn" within us?  An event such as this does glorify God...because it can't be credited to us...and our faith is strengthened.

So while many might try to explain away water turning to wine in jars....the servants that filled the jars...the master of the banquet who tasted the wine...many of the guest who saw the miracle..and Jesus' disciple who witnessed the miracle... believed the water was turned into excellent wine by the Son of God...not a mere man or prophet.  How about you?  What do you believe?

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