First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

“Crucify! Crucify!”

So what did Jesus endure for you?

John 19 gives us pretty graphic detail of the pain and suffering Jesus went through up until His death....
1. He was flogged (Verse 1)
2.Jesus was repeatedly mocked and taunted...then He was slapped in the face (Verse 2&3)
3.Crown of thorn jabbed onto his head (verse 5)
4.Shouted at by the mob..." “Crucify! Crucify!” (verse 6)
5.The mob again shouted: “Take him away! Take him away! Crucify him!” (verse 15)
6.Soldiers forced him to carry his cross all the way to Golgotha  (verse 16)
7.Jesus was crucified (nailed to the cross) (verse 23)
8.Soldiers threw dice for His clothing  (verse 23)
9.He suffered pain of Crucifixion in front of His mother, brothers and disciples.  (verse 25-26)
10.They gave Him vinegar to drink  (verse 29)
11.They thrust a spear into his side   (verse 34)

All along the way He was repeatedly tried...questioned...ridiculed...taunted....berated...mocked...and made fun of....
This does not even count on being "crushed by the Father" for our sin's!!!!!

He did this because He loves me...because He loves you....that we may spend eternity with Him.

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